Many homeowners and business use stone walls primarily for retaining walls. However, stone walls can add creative flair to any garden with the proper landscaping design, with trees, shrubs, and flowers. Thinking of adding a stone wall to your landscape? Green Leaves Landscaping has the professional team to help you get started. We’ve compiled a list of stone wall ideas you can use to elevate your lawn or garden this spring!

Fieldstone Wall
This classic New England stone wall is ideal in every landscape. In general, stone walls create a barrier while looking stylish at the same time. For this type of wall, fieldstone offers a natural material for gardens. You can either dry stack the stone or use mortar. For a natural garden look, this is a classic option.
Stacked Block Wall
This stacked block wall is an excellent option for a cleaner stone wall. This wall style is uniform in shape due to concrete blocks. This wall will form a clean and established line, making it a great choice for the front of the house or courtyard.

Flagstone Wall
Slimmer in look compared to its cousin, this flagstone wall is just as classic in any garden or landscape. This look is more structured than fieldstone, and it is just as charming. While stone thickness may vary, the clean, flat top of a flagstone wall adds a uniform line of view while maintaining character.

Stone Wall Entrance
Add a stone wall entrance to your driveway for a more dramatic look! Whether you go big or small, a stone wall creates a pronounced statement that is hard to beat. Mortared stone and the right landscaping style will create a striking entry for any home or business.

Stone Wall Landscaping from Green Leaves Landscaping
If your landscape lacks structure or needs a unique facelift, contact the most trusted masonry contractor, Green Leaves Landscape. Our dedicated and experienced team will work hard to create a unique stone wall design that will add character for years to come.
Design your Stone Wall Landscaping today! Contact us today to see what we can do for your landscaping (508) 393-0005!